Education in Higher Research

Education in Higher Research

What is your talent and uniqueness?
We provide training & consultancy

Who am I? What are my talents? What can I do to improve the organization?

EHR institute provides Biblical psychological insights into the “art of information categorization.” Our multidisciplinary socioeconomic research approach offers various perspectives that influence human psychology and behavior. Research techniques that fit one’s psychology and give you exact information filtered with a Christian spiritual lens. The Z-designs filter data and remove noise. These methods reshape the mind suited for one’s psychology.



She has been an HR Manager at Surinam’s largest communications company for many years. She is currently using her knowledge as a consultant for leading innovative companies. Drs. Landbrug coaches individual people but also gives group sessions. She specializes in change management.

Change Management
Boek Communicatie Exhortatie



Om beter content te creëren voor bedrijven moeten communicatiespecialisten steeds beter data kunnen analyseren. Het nieuwe tijdperk van informatie verkondigen is aangebroken. Beoogde doelstellingen voor organisaties worden complexer, doordat de doelgroep steeds makkelijker en sneller over informatie kan beschikken. Voor het verspreiden van onjuiste informatie kan een hoge prijs betaald worden. Voor een positief resultaat, zal de communicatiespecialist inspirerende memen moeten creëren, dit kunnen verwerken op de juiste manier en het verspreiden via de beschikbare communicatielijnen. De waarheid verkondigen is de essentie van natievorming. De technische communicatiemethodieken in dit boek, ondersteunen de uitleg van dataverwerking bij het cerebrale, waardoor men weet hoe die ethisch gevormd wordt. Het boek geeft tevens informatie die nodig is voor een goede marketingcampagne. Met de gegeven componenten zal een eigen strategisch plan samengesteld kunnen worden. Er worden inzichten opgedaan, zodat communicatietrajecten harmonieus verlopen tussen de samenwerkende partijen in een veranderende wereld.

Impulse Management by Timothy Zuiverloon



Each individual is unique with his or her talent. Discovering and disseminating this gives meaning to life. That means daring to explore your deeper self so that the talent development process is stimulated. Each action is accompanied by a collection of cognitive processes that are created by impulses; these determine your reality. By controlling impulses, you will not serve the wrong emotions.
Impulse Measurement provides guidelines on the art of meditation and prayer, with Biblical substantiation. So that each experiences the journey of life in complete awareness, by gaining insight into which cognitive processes give joy, one can consciously recreate these. The journey with the right work ethic to your true self can only be achieved by integrating spirituality with all psychological processes.
After reading Impulse Measurement, you have insight into who you are and what your talents are. The guidelines of prayers and meditations stimulate the internalization process. The modules and “Zuiverloon graph” are tools to practice; to improve your management skills.

Yes, I want to improve my skills!

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